home renovation

5 Creative DIY Projects for First-Time Homeowners

Welcome to your new home! It’s been a tedious process, one that required a lot of patience, a little bargaining, and some persuasion. Still, chances are you didn’t buy the perfect home. For that to happen, you need to put in a little more work.

Here we have five projects that could get you started on making a mark on your new home.

Change the Lighting and Light Fixtures

Granted, some light fixtures might be challenging to replace, like ornate chandeliers, for example. You would be better advised to learn how to clean them from lighting experts since one wrong move could cost you thousands of dollars. Instead, we’re talking about light fixtures that look outdated or ones that don’t go with your interior decorating dreams.

Changing the light bulbs themselves would also allow you to decide what kind of lighting you need for the room. Some rooms might need brighter lights than others, and others might need dimmer ones. A light bulb change would also make your home more energy-efficient.

Paint Your Walls

Are all the walls in your new home painted an eggshell white or cream? That’s more likely because the previous homeowners wanted you to envision all the rooms with a clean slate and used neutral colors to help with that. But now that you’re the owners, you can go crazy with the colors.

Painting rooms is a fun, productive weekend project that you can easily do either as a family or as a newlywed couple, too. Each family member can have a say on what color they want to paint their own room, or you can decide on which colors best go with the overall theme of your home.

Install a Backsplash and Crown Molding

These are the little touches that could easily elevate your home’s aesthetics and value. They may seem complicated and intimidating to do because of all the measurements you need to take, but believe us when we say it’s all worth it in the end. Backsplashes in your kitchen and bedroom are especially helpful since they primarily protect the wall behind the sink from sustaining water damage.

On the other hand, crown moldings started as a way for contractors to cover up the gap between the wall and the ceiling. But they have since become more of an elegant feature that adds character to any room. The only challenging thing you might face for either project is ensuring that all your measurements are accurate so you don’t waste any materials.

Update the Garage and Basement Flooring

These two areas often get overlooked by first-time homeowners, particularly if the basement isn’t finished and if the garage is used merely for storage. However, updating the flooring isn’t just for aesthetic purposes, either. With the right materials, you could also ensure that you won’t get water damage in both areas.

Concrete is usually the best way to go for both since it’s a strong and sturdy material. Sealing it with several coats of epoxy resin makes it even stronger. These also come in various colors, such as metallic ones that add an iridescent sheen once finished. Visit your local hardware or flooring place to find out which products are best for you.

Work on Your Yard

Finally, don’t just focus your work on the interiors. To make your home truly stand out, you need to work on your yard. Need some gardening inspiration? Browse through different websites to find out what works best for where you live and the kind of weather you experience. You can also talk to your local hardware or DIY store to gather more ideas.

Redesigning your yard and garden is not only a quick way to tie in all your design elements but is also a highly recommended stress reliever. Many psychologists and therapists believe in the power of gardening to get you into a calm, Zen-like manner. And as a first-time homeowner taking on unfamiliar DIY projects, isn’t that precisely the state of mind you want to be in?

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