portrait of a doctor

5 Must-Knows Before Signing Up for a Clinical Trial

These days, people can make money even in the weirdest ways. Before, you can only make some cash by selling products or services or by finding yourself a job. Now, you can work from home, rent out your room, sell old stuff, or even show off your talent. But did you know you can now get paid a couple of thousands of dollars by participating in paid clinical trials?

In Miami, you can find companies looking for qualified volunteers willing to undergo investigational treatments. Research professionals and doctors also conduct clinical trials. This is essential in improving the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and in improving the quality of life for patients.

Not all can participate

There are guidelines set by the researchers themselves as to who can join the clinical trial or not. Before you can join one, you need to qualify based on the criteria the researchers need for the study. You will need to qualify for their desired age, gender, and medical and treatment history, among other conditions. There are times when a study needs their volunteers to have a specific condition.

You have to sign a document before participating in the study

Before the trial, representatives of the company will discuss the procedure and hand over an informed consent document for you to sign. This is a very important document, which entails all you need to know about the study. Take note – this is not a contract. It only lists the purpose of the study, the place and amount of time the trial will take, and other details. This document is around to make sure you know everything about the trials you are participating in. If you decide to withdraw, you can still do so, since there is no contract binding you.

Not all clinical trials are paid

Just because you choose to join and participate in a study doesn’t mean you’ll be paid for it. This is why it is essential to ask questions during the preliminary stages and to read all the documents before you sign. Many trials offer compensation for the risks in testing new treatments or procedures.

Before the FDA approves a new procedure or drug, it needs to pass three phases.

The volunteers are broken down into groups

at a clinic

The first group is the test group. This is the group that usually receives the placebo, but are told that it is the test batch. This is to account for the placebo effect, which is part of modern clinical trial design. The second group is the control group. They will receive new drugs or undergo the new procedure for testing.

Volunteering in a clinical trial has its risks and benefits. For one, you don’t get to have a say on which treatment you can get. This may either work, not work, or cause side effects. However, you get to contribute to research that can save someone else from a debilitating disease. You can also receive treatment that is not yet accessible to the public.

No matter your reason for joining a clinical trial, however, you will still get contribute to forwarding the field of science and medicine, which is always something worthwhile.

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