woman cleansing her skin

3 Skincare Myths Millennials Should Stop Believing

If you Google any skincare problem you currently have, chances are you’ll come across hundreds, even thousands, of conflicting information about what you should do. This amount of skincare “advice” often lead to inaccuracies and a sea of skin care myths that many women, especially Millennials, tend to immediately believe.

People once believed that toothpaste and lemon juice are effective for acne treatments and can even cause pimple marks and skin discoloration to fade away. However, none of these products should ever find their way onto your skin. Before, women tend to rely on word of mouth or recommendations to find out what methods will work best for their skin conditions, no matter how baseless this advice may be. Thus, many skincare myths get thrown around easily.

Now, due to the availability of more reliable sources of information, consumers are fast becoming more knowledgeable about the products they should and shouldn’t put on their skin. But, plenty of misconceptions are still around. Here are three of the most common skincare myths and the truth behind them:

Myth #1 – If something is organic or natural, it means it’s better for your skin.

Whether it’s a skincare product or any food item, many consumers immediately assume that organic or natural products are always better because of the absence of chemicals. However, skincare is actually much more complex than that.

There are many organic and natural ingredients that are actually harmful to the skin and may cause irritation. Essential oils, for one, are some of the prime examples. As these are extremely potent, they need to be used with much precaution. In fact, there’s no scientific proof that supports the idea that organic or natural choices are always more beneficial for the skin. A product that has synthetic ingredients aren’t always inferior, either. Not all products that claim to be “made with organic materials” are 100% organic. Most of the time, it’s only 20%.

Myth #2 – If you keep using the same products, your skin will eventually become immune to the skincare ingredients.

Dermatologists in Utah and other states say that it’s highly unusual for the skin to “get used to” the benefits that skincare products offer. Unless the skin condition you’re trying to address has changed, there’s no reason for you to switch to a different set of products, especially when the active ingredients on your current routine are actually giving you the results you want. However, keep in mind that some ingredients, such as retinol and glycolic acid, can be potentially irritating, and this is when your skin can get accustomed to them and cause bigger issues.

Myth #3 – If you’re wearing makeup with SPF, you can forgo sunscreen.

woman wearing makeup

This is not to say that wearing makeup with high SPF isn’t effective. It’s still very helpful. However, it’s only a small portion of your overall sun protection strategy. It should never be your face’s single line of defense against the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure.

Skincare experts suggest that while the sun is partly responsible in the production of vitamin D on the skin, it’s still important to apply a generous amount of sunscreen that will provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays. These products are commonly labeled as either “broad spectrum” or “multi-spectrum.” In addition, it’s very common for users to assume that SPF numbers indicate how long you can stay under the sun after you apply your sunscreen. But the truth is these numbers only show you information about UVB protection. UVA is a different thing entirely.

The great thing about skincare is you can always customize the products you use according to your needs. No two people have the exact same skin conditions, and some products that work for your friend may not work for you. The key is to find the right products and routine that give you the most desirable results.

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