pregnant woman brushing her teeth

Why You Should Take Extra Care of Your Oral Health When You’re Pregnant

The state of your gums is probably the last thing you think about when you are pregnant. Unfortunately, the rush of hormones flowing through your body can negatively affect your oral health.

How do these bodily changes influence my teeth and gums?

When you are in the early stages of your pregnancy, your body produces high levels of progesterone to prepare the uterus for the months ahead.

Unfortunately, while the hormone is necessary for the healthy development of your baby, it can wreak havoc on your gums and teeth, as your mouth is now more susceptible to plaque build-up than before.

From two months onwards, you might start to notice that your gums are inflamed, sensitive, and may bleed when you try to brush them.

If you are suffering from these symptoms, make an appointment with your dentist in Stevenage as you might have pregnancy gingivitis.

How do you treat pregnancy gingivitis naturally?

There are a couple of home remedies that you can utilise if your gum disease is caught and treated early.

Brushing and flossing

Regular brushing and flossing is an absolute necessity because it removes oral bacteria, and reduces or reverses inflammation caused by gingivitis.

If you find that you prioritise your teeth, but still experience gum problems, it may be because you floss infrequently or not at all.

Flossing helps to remove food and plaque caught between your teeth and those hard-to-reach spaces, which makes the activity a necessary part of your teeth-cleaning routine.

Up the ante on your vitamins

Vitamin C can help in the battle against gingivitis. Increase your vitamin C intake by incorporating more fruit into your diet.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy bones and teeth and can prevent the onset of gingivitis. Good sources of this mineral include eggs, specific orange and yellow vegetables and fruit, and some other leafy greens.

Watch what you eat

You might not always be feeling your best while pregnant, but you must follow a balanced diet which incorporates lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and lean meat.

Rinse with sea salt

Sea salt helps reduce inflammation and relieves the discomfort experienced from it.


Will my biannual dental check-up reduce my chances of contracting gingivitis?

Sticking to your scheduled appointments will help keep your mouth healthy throughout your pregnancy as your dentist can identify issues before they become more significant problems.

Can pregnancy gingivitis turn into a severe issue for me?

As we have mentioned, gingivitis can progress into periodontitis, which can ultimately affect your bones. Your health can also affect your baby and dental health is part of this.

When you should see your dentist for gingivitis

Visit the dental practitioner should the remedies mentioned above not work, or as soon as you start to notice your dental issues.

You will undergo a deep cleaning to remove the black and hardened tartar from your teeth and gums.

If the infection is acute, your doctor or dentist might prescribe a baby-friendly antibiotic for you.

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