
Braced Teeth: Problems, Hygiene, and Alternatives

Braced teeth are a problem for many people, mainly because of the way they look and feel. They would rather fix their teeth than wear braces, but they do not know how to go about it. There are many ways you can reduce the amount of overlapping that your teeth have and make them look better without having to spend a fortune on metal wires and braces. 

Here are some recommendations for you:

Why are Braces an Issue?

Here are a few reasons why braces may not be your optimum dental treatment choice:

-Braces can move an already crooked tooth, even more, causing it to line up with others that are also unaligned.

-“Hanging” lower lip because of a lack of movement in the jaw joint as well as poor eating habits (chewing too many hard foods). This is known as “open bite.”

-Hyperextended jaw joints from too much time in the mouthguard, making it difficult for children to chew food.

-A crowded mouth with no room for brushing or flossing (even if reachable).

-Reduced comfort while wearing braces due to lack of space between teeth and cheeks. It is a problem because people with braces will put more force on their tooth and gum line, which can cause sensitivity to cold.

-Irregularly shaped teeth due to the braces or from wearing a mouth guard too often. If you had braces as a child, your adult teeth might not have come in properly because they were impacted by the braces and caused dental issues.

So what are some simple homemade fixes for these problems?

  • A soft food diet: You can buy baby food and make that your new go-to soup, cereal, yogurt- anything you want to eat. It is soft and gentle on your teeth, so it’s perfect for people with braces or who have had their tooth alignment fixed.
  • A tongue scraper: Can be used to remove bacteria from the tongue’s surface to reduce bad breath and unpleasant tastes in food caused by an overgrowth of yeast (this problem occurs when food is not being chewed enough).
  • A water flosser: This allows you to get all the way around your teeth without ever having to touch them with a toothbrush – this is helpful if you have braces or mouth guards.
  • You can also buy a “buddy brush” to use in the shower, which will help clean your teeth while ensuring no stray bristles are left behind (which could irritate). This option might be good for people who wear braces because it helps prevent buildup.
  • Lastly, you should try using a mouth guard to help with open bite and hyperextended jaw joints (as well as the other problems listed). This will reduce discomfort while wearing braces or having your teeth aligned by someone else.

Treatments Other than Braces


A tablet of the antibiotic tetracycline can be taken for a few weeks to help promote tooth growth. You may also want to see an orthodontist about having your teeth pulled and replaced with dentures or implants. This will make sure that you have perfect alignment, even if it doesn’t look like braces.

Here are some alternatives to braces:


Dentures are an inexpensive way to fix problems with overlapping teeth. You may need more than one set of dentures, as they don’t have a long life span and can be uncomfortable for some people. Ideally, dentures need to be replaced every three to four years.

Lingual Appliances:

Lingual appliances are placed on the lingual teeth surfaces in the mouth to fix problems with overlapping teeth. The metal arch can be uncomfortable and difficult for some people since they’re placed on the inside of the teeth, but they are a good cosmetic alternative to braces for people who are too conscious about their looks. 


Bonding is one of the cheapest alternatives to braces to fix spaces between the teeth in your mouth. It can last for as long as ten years or as little as three years and isn’t as effective as the other options. It can be done in a dental office. They work by filling in the gaps and spaces with composite resin.


Teeth removal is an option for people who have problems with their dentures or lingual appliances that are too hard to work around. It’s generally not recommended, though, because of the difficulties associated with doing this procedure and finding new tooth replacements.


Invisible braces are transparent and cling to your teeth without being visible. Invisalign is an alternative for people who don’t want visible metal braces in their mouth or jaw. It’s more expensive than some other methods, but it can be effective for people with minor tooth problems and a history of good dental hygiene.


Veneers are thin shells of composite or dental porcelain material designed to cover enamel flaws and improve their appearance. They are an affordable alternative to braces in many cases because they’re less invasive and often last longer than most options on this list. But, they still have limitations, and people who wear them should always keep up with dental hygiene. Also, they don’t fix underlying problems and are just a temporary cosmetic solution. 


Implants are the most expensive, invasive, and long-lasting solution for problems with teeth. They’re an option for replacing missing or damaged teeth that need a more permanent fix than other options can provide.

We hope that this article has helped you understand some of the different ways to fix overlapping teeth so you can make an informed decision about which one is best for your specific needs.

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