knee injury

Conceal it with Style: Dressing Up After an Injury

Accidents happen almost every day. According to statistics, approximately 6.6 million automobiles were involved in road accidents in the United States in 2019 alone. Not to mention slips, falls, building accidents, and other mishaps one might encounter. But while surviving these events is considered fortunate, it does leave us a reminder of what could have been.

It could range mentally, emotionally, and physically that will take time to heal and vanish entirely. In addition, physical reminders such as fractures and scars can impair one’s ability to go out and face the outside world, leaving them feeling self-conscious or lacking self-confidence. Thus, it is crucial to not lose yourself during this time. Luckily, you can do this with the right tools and clothing.

For injuries, waist up.

Living with a shattered limb may be scary and challenging. It takes a lot of practice and patience to get the right technique, whether you’re attempting to put on clothes with a dislocated shoulder or take a shower with a broken bone. With this, it’s best to invest in clothes that are easier to put on and remove.

This can range from flowy blouses, sleeveless shirts, or stretchy cardigans. Moreover, if you have to do it yourself, try to stay away from clothes that have buttons and zippers. Although putting it on may be easy, undressing can cause inconvenience, especially if you currently have one functioning good arm.

If you lean more on the creative side, putting some designs on your cast is always a good option. Ensure to use permanent markers or paintings to avoid getting them smeared or removed. When you’re healed, you can save the cast to remind you of the journey you went through. Alternatively, you can also have removable decorative cast covers to compliment your clothes or mood for the day.

Moreover, studies show that incorporating different colors contributes to one’s healing and positively impacts overall well-being. So, consider choosing warm and cool colors such as yellow, blue, and green. These can stimulate your nerves and provide calming effects.

For injuries, waist down

Dressing can be a hassle, especially for injuries below the waist, as it impairs your overall mobility. However, if you find yourself wearing a cast on your leg due to sprains or knee braces due to osteoarthritis and other medical conditions, you can go for lengthy skirts or stylish maxi dresses paired with platform shoes and sandals. You can also opt for knee-length boots as long as you stay away from high-heeled ones.

The chunky soles will keep you comfortable without sacrificing style. Shoes that must be tied and untied should be avoided, especially if bending over, sitting, and standing up causes inconveniences and pain. Slip-on footwears are a better choice.

For men, it’s best to stay away from fitted or skinny jeans as this will only create an awkward bulge on the casted area. Instead, try to go for cargo or fluid pants to give your injury more breathing room and allow greater movements. Moreover, color selection is crucial since loud colors can draw more attention to the region, and neutral to dark hues will help conceal it from view.

injured arm

For visible scars

Most scars come in different shapes, depths, and severity. However, they eventually disappear with time, either naturally or through medication and various laser treatments. Some people aren’t afraid to show it off, while others prefer it hidden from public eyes.

Of course, this is a case-to-case basis as some scars can affect someone’s life, job, and mental health. For one, our society’s unrealistic standard of beauty views these markings as deformity or unattractive characteristics, affecting one’s self-image and self-confidence. So, for whatever reason, there are ways you can cover it up.

If you are uncomfortable going under the knife or the option isn’t available for you at the moment, you can always use fashion to hide those scars. For example, you can invest in stylish hats and hair accessories if you have a head scar. Women can also opt for bangs that complement their face shape or put on makeup that strategically conceal the marks.

For visible bruises on your arms and legs, you can wear cardigans, long-sleeved knitted tops, tights, long socks, and dresses. If you are in warmer regions, look for breathable fabrics to keep you cool and comfortable.

Recovering from injuries takes time. Therefore, it’s essential to be gentle and be kind to yourself within the process. Moreover, know that life doesn’t stop there. Just because you have a cast on your arm or a scar on your jaw doesn’t mean you cannot feel nor look your best anymore. So, take this experience to discover more about yourself and learn from it.

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