
Queries about oral implant fittings answered

When it comes to investing in any kind of cosmetic treatment, it is worth looking into it in more depth; is it right for you, is it usually successful and, more importantly, is it worth the money?

And with cosmetic dental care, this is no different. Many cosmetic dental options are more invasive and time consuming that other types and so, it is always advised to conduct as much research as possible before committing. Nowhere is this truer than with oral implants.

In this article, common questions relating to the fitting of oral implants are asked, so you can get a bit more insight into if this is the right option for you. Enjoy!

What is the success rate of an oral implant?

There is mixed research on how successful a dental implant Melbourne is in the long-term.

For instance, some studies cite a success rate of 95%, whereas others state that it is closer to 98%. But there are variables that you can control which can ensure that your implants are more likely to be successful. For instance, you should try to refrain from smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and should engage with your dentist for check-ups at least every 6 months.

Are there cheaper alternatives?

Yes, many people with a missing tooth or teeth approach their dentist about restoratives such as a fitted bridge or dentures. These have the advantages of being cheaper, less invasive and not promoting secondary complications which can occur, such as infections.

Is there an age limit on oral implants?

There is a lower age limit on oral implants; you need to be at least 18 for this treatment to be considered. As long as you have good general health and have no significant issues with your oral health, such as gum disease or tooth decay, then you can be 87 and undertake an oral implant fitting with success.

Can oral implants fail?

Yes, they can but it is very unlikely that this would occur on its own. In most cases, the failure of an oral implant is due to gum disease which has been left untreated, or trauma to the area, which has caused the jaw to break and the implant to come loose. If you have had your oral implants fitted and you can feel them moving or have concerns that they are failing, it is best to seek the advice of the dental team who fitted them if possible. As oral implants can last 15 years or more, so having them wobble within 3 months of being fitted is not a good thing!

Can oral implants be whitened?

In short, no, the prosthetic area of an oral implant (such as the tooth or teeth) cannot be whitened using traditional whitening tools such as bleaching. This is because they are made from porcelain, which is less porous than enamel and therefore does not respond to these methods. But if you are having your natural teeth whitened and want to have your implant whitened too, you may wish to ask your dental team about having another prosthetic tooth or teeth made to match the colour of the surrounding teeth. This should involve a simple replacement of the crown or bridge. Perfect!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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