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Affordable Practices That Can Prevent Allergies

A raspy throat or an itchy patch of your skin right after getting in contact with an allergen might not seem like a serious matter at first, but allergies can be deadly when left unchecked. Certain research institutes say that around 15 million Americans get allergic reactions from food alone, with more individuals being allergic to non-food substances. In ten years, food allergies have increased by 50% among individuals. As such as alarming rage, it’s only appropriate to ensure that our home is free from allergens and substances that might cause health complications among inhabitants.

Even though there are allergies that are minor inconveniences to our everyday lives, there are also allergies that can have serious implications.

So what are some simple and low-budget ways of preventing and treating allergic reactions?

Clean Your Clothes

Pet dander, dust, and pollen tend to stick to the fabric easily. These allergens can often irritate the skin and cause rashes in more serious cases. In some cases, dust mites that reside on clothes can also cause allergic reactions among individuals. No matter where you are, dust mites will always be present in almost any environment. Of course, they do thrive in warmer habitats. In some instances, people are allergic to the excrements of these dust mites. That can cause an overreaction of the immune system, which often leads to allergies.

Allergies from dust mites are so prevalent that millions of individuals in the country are subject to allergic reactions from these tiny creatures.

Cleaning and washing clothes after using them are paramount in removing dust mites and any types of allergens in the fabric. At a minimum, you can only use shirts and pants at least three times before cleaning it.

Improve Air Circulation

As most of us know, preventing sickness is better than having to go out of your way to treat it. In this case, making the necessary preparations for our home is one of the best ways of preventing allergic reactions. Air circulation is one of the major contributing factors that can affect the general respiratory health of individuals.

Most of the time, allergens can easily become suspended in the air. Dust, pet dander, and even fungal spores can easily build up on ventilation shafts if they are not cleared. In most cases, this can lead to most ventilation systems becoming clogged. Of course, no one wants to be breathing dusty air. Fortunately, there are duct cleaning experts who can comprehensively check ducts and ventilation systems to ensure that you’ll be breathing clean and fresh air.


There are a variety of antihistamines that most people can avail of. These can mitigate mild symptoms. In some instances, these medications can help stop the sensation of itching and prevent rashes.

It’s important to note that hives and rashes are just some of the early symptoms of even more severe allergic reactions. No known antihistamine can stop harsh conditions besides an injection of epinephrine.


There are a variety of vegetables and fruits that can help counter the effects of allergies. Vegetables such as turmeric, tomatoes, ginger, and most citrus fruits are known for reversing allergies symptoms.

Certain types of meat, such as salmon, are known for carrying EPA acids. Studies have shown that such a substance is known for conditioning the immune system to be less sensitive to allergic reactions.

If you are having suspicions that you might be allergic to particular types of food, you can do the following:

  • Pre-packaged goods will have labels on the ingredients. If you are going to a restaurant, ask for the ingredients used for a particular dish.
  • Inform others that you are allergic to a particular substance of food. That will help certain cooks and chefs make the necessary adjustments to your food.
  • Although it’s known that food allergies tend to lessen as your body becomes more familiar with a particular substance, it’s still important not to bank on this fact. Some potentially dangerous food types can lead to more severe reactions.


There are lots of home remedies that can counter the effects of an allergic reaction. One of the best ways of fighting allergy is by preventing it outright. Information and knowing what you are allergic to is key in avoiding certain foods and substances.

Suppose you’re in doubt about what you’re allergic to. In that case, most medical practitioners can run tests in a controlled environment to accurately know what some substances can trigger your immune system is.

Even if you’re having mild reactions to food and beverages, you still need to see a doctor. It might seem mild as of the present moment, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that your body will have the same reaction in the next instance. Each person will have unique biochemistry, so it’s only vigilant that you know what you’re allergic to.

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