couple moving

Making a Move While Reducing Your Carbon Footsteps

Moving between homes is a problematic task that involves a lot of preparation and planning to execute smoothly. From packing your belongings to the actual moving process, you may find yourself creating a lot of unnecessary waste that will only end up in the trash bin. This is a real concern, especially for those who truly care about the deteriorating state of the environment.

Many homeowners transitioning between homes are not conscious about this issue but should be because it impacts every one of us in more ways than one. But moving is unavoidable. Thus we should try to reduce at least the wastes we produce to minimize the serious effects that they inflict on our planet. Here are some ways to help you do this.

Be wise in hiring moving help.

The first step is being wise in how you move. Weighing your options of whether to move by yourself or hire someone to help you should be done with sustainability in mind. Look at how much stuff you need to transport and estimate how many trips you need to make for the entire process. If you only have a few things that can fit your vehicle, do try to take that route.

But if it will take a few back-and-forths to carry everything, you should hire home moving services. They should have larger vehicles that can bring all your belongings in just a few trips, reducing gas emissions from the frequent driving of your vehicle. Some moving services will also have eco-friendly vehicles specifically made to uphold sustainability in their operations.

Use natural cleaning products.

While clearing your things from your old home, you will also be cleaning the dust and mess left behind. Instead of using the usual cleaning products that contain chemicals harmful to us and the environment, try using natural alternatives that work just as well. Natural cleaning products have always been used, like baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon juice. These items are usually combined into mixtures to more effectively clean dirty surfaces.

cardboard box

Sort everything out

Before you start packing, you should first consider cutting down the number of your belongings by sorting them into different categories. These categories should include stuff that you will bring to your new home, things that you can give away, items that you can sell, and others that you can dispose of in a variety of ways, some of which are repurposing them into something else and sending them to recycling plants.

By doing this, you reduce the costs of moving while also lowering the number of trips you take. Additionally, people tend to throw out food while in a hurry to leave their old homes when moving. To avoid producing food wastes, start sorting your stuff and packing early so that you can either consume the food products in your kitchen just in time for the move or give them away to those who might need them.

Find alternatives for boxes.

Most boxes used for moving are for one-time use only and are disposed of right after unpacking. Know that these can still be reused by folding them down for future use instead of throwing them away immediately. Alternatives can already be found in your home. Suitcases are very convenient to store some different items for transport.

Drawers and closets can also be filled with non-fragile belongings to reduce the number of boxes that you use. But there are also available large plasticware that movers can lend you while transporting your stuff. Avoid purchasing and using plastic bags for this task as they are easily damaged and will contribute to pollution right after you dispose of them.

Find alternatives for wrappers.

Bubble wraps, plastic wraps, and styrofoam are popular options for wrapping delicate and fragile items, but they add to the already existing wastes out there. There are eco-friendly alternatives that you can purchase in the market that are biodegradable and reusable, like mushroom packaging. These are materials used by shipping companies to reduce wastes which you can purchase for the same reason. But home items like towels, blankets, and even clothes are also effective holders for glassware and other fragile belongings.

All of these are relatively simple ways to contribute to saving the environment. Even our small efforts can help to conserve what little is left in our nature. Of course, we can contribute with better efforts that will involve major lifestyle changes and strong dedication. But starting with small ways is already a step in the right direction and can become a positive habit that will inspire other people around us.

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