father with kids playing soccer

Exciting Summer Activities to Plan With Your Kids

Most children look forward to summer and the fun that comes with it. Over cold winter days, they already plan the activities that they would do after school is finished. Months before summer, you also make a list of the things to buy and do for setting up the backyard for outdoor activities. The list can include new swimsuits, basketball or baseball equipment, and personalized replacement cornhole bags.

Summer months will also be busy with parties and vacation trips. You may also be entertaining cousins and friends over, so you need plenty of activities for the kids to do. Here are some worthwhile activities to keep your little ones busy during their break.

Picnic at the Park

Picnics are not just fun and exciting. They also help children develop their community and social skills with kids their age. Parks are usually equipped with play areas like swings, slides and seesaws. For older kids, they can join ball games such as baseball or soccer.

When planning a picnic, make sure to involve the kids in the food preparation and take their suggestions on things to bring. As much as possible, limit gadget and phone use so that the whole family can take some time off to enjoy and have a good time.

Water Parties

Anything that is wet, messy and slimy are welcome entertainment for kids. During hot summer days, plan on having a water party to cool down everyone. Inflatable pools are affordable and can be easily set up for everybody’s enjoyment.

Switching the sprinklers on is another fun suggestion for active and energetic kids. Water play is one of the best ways to freshen up hot and lethargic kids. It is also good for the grass and lawns to be watered during summer days.

Creative Activities

Despite outdoor activities and exciting vacation plans, there will still be downtimes that can turn into boring moments for children. Take advantage of these downtimes and quiet times by nurturing their creative side. It is the best time to improve their imagination, so start teaching them to draw or create art projects. Use old crayons, leftover watercolors, clay and other art materials from the last school year.

Kids can also have a camping trip backyard. Set up tents or teepees and have them stargaze and tell stories around a campfire.

Museum Hopping

children in a museum

There are local museums that children hardly ever visit. Take advantage of the sunny weather and check out the museums around the city and learn more about the culture, genealogy and other interesting facts about the locality. It is a fun yet informational activity the whole family can enjoy.

Backyard Tournaments

This can be an exciting weekender for kids and their friends. There are many backyard games that can be set up like dodge ball, basketball and cornhole tournaments. This can be a great entertaining activity for both kids and adults along with some weekend barbecue.

Summer vacations without road trips or any grand travel can still be fun and exciting when the family has all things planned out. A family fun time should not be expensive; even simple backyard parties and games can be a memorable and extraordinary experience for everyone.

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