woman having a migraine

Products that Can Harm Your Health Without Your Knowledge

In the quest for a healthier and better lifestyle, it is not only necessary to meticulously inspect food and personal health care items, but it is also crucial to closely check on what’s inside the things we use on a day-to-day basis. Our house and work settings can be contaminated with hazardous chemicals and poisonous materials.

Both new and used items carry with them their unique set of hazards. The pollutants in an older home or automobile may still be there even though the products used were discontinued and probably tapered years ago. A product you bought might even include industrial chemicals sourced from overseas markets with insufficient regulatory oversight. Even commonplace products that we are using might be insidiously harming us if we don’t inspect them thoroughly.

Although nothing seems safe now, our intention is not to scare you. Instead, the goal is to educate yourself to shift away from traditional and possibly harmful items and bring a healthier atmosphere for your family.

Tools and Byproducts Used When Renovating

Dust from your previous refurbishment may be particularly toxic since it might include chemicals like asbestos and lead. Therefore, it is essential to utilize filter vacuums and masks to eliminate any debris from your home’s remodeling. In addition, many of the compounds used in insecticides, paints, and household solutions are highly hazardous to human health.

If you haven’t sorted out your basement, cellar shed, or even checked on the state of your hand railings in a while; you may find remnants and products lying about that have been phased out or even prohibited from being used. Anything with perfluoro octane sulfonate (PFOS), Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane pesticide, and lead paint should be confined promptly to avoid contamination since these substances are found to cause breast cancer.

Consider how to securely dispose of them by contacting a local hazardous waste organization and consult with durable and environmentally friendly powder coating companies for added protection.

Plastic Food Containers

Have you ever been perplexed about why transparent plastic containers get opaque after being run through dishwashers a few times? Although it takes time, plastic eventually degrades, and when it happens, the decomposition might result in the release of harmful substances into your food.

Numerous plastic containers and cosmetic products, such as hairsprays and nail polishes, are created from compounds such as phthalates, which can compromise hormone-producing glands and cause harmful reproductive, developmental, and cognitive consequences in humans. Whenever practical, use glass containers instead of plastic ones.

Scented Items

A study discovered that compounds that may be harmful are usually found in fragrant household cleaners and air fresheners. When dangerous substances such as benzyl, ethyl acetate, and methylene chloride are inhaled, they can cause headache, nausea, shortness of breath, lethargy, the discomfort of the eyes, throat, skin, and damage to the lungs and kidney.

When extensively and improperly used in non-ventilated areas, deadly chemicals are released. If you use scented products in your house, it is unlikely that you will become ill. However, you must ensure that the space is well ventilated to prevent harmful substances such as paradichlorobenzene and ethylene-based glycol ether from circulating and negatively harming your safety and health.

bottles of water

Plastic Bottles

While most of us know that plastic water bottles are harmful to the planet, they may also infiltrate toxic materials into your beverage. According to the National Library of Medicine, of the 2,517 persons tested, 93% had measurable amounts of Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, found in their urine. Although it is not the only potentially dangerous chemical, it is always preferable to opt for safer alternatives such as plant-based containers, glasses, or ceramics if possible.


These poisonous insecticides and repellents are created from chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon and naphthalene, which cause significant health consequences. Instead, choose more benign options for keeping moths off, such as cedar chips and blocks or essential oils.


Mold is present in several of our houses, yet we are entirely unaware of it. When molds are inhaled over an extended period, it can cause severe nervous system and lung problems. To avoid mold formation, use an essential oil spreader with an oil such as clove or cinnamon and minimize extra retained humidity by allowing sufficient ventilation. Investing in your family’s health is worthwhile so consider having an environmentally friendly specialist inspect your house for molds.

Don’t allow these common poisons to catch you off guard by causing health concerns in the future. With knowledge of basic steps and proper research, you can have a non-toxic house in no time.

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