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Health Checks to Have Before Tying the Knot

We know, we know. The last thing you need right now is another item on your to-do list. You have a lot on your plate already. Between planning a wedding amid a pandemic and fixing your wedding budget, you do not have time to go and visit the doctor just because you read about it on the internet, right? But this is the most important step you both need to take toward your happily ever after.

Your schedule is jam-packed with meetings with wedding suppliers. Take time, however, to visit the doctor, whether by yourself or with your partner. It’s essential to get a health check before you embark on this new journey in your life. Experts agree that it is crucial to address your health issues before getting married. This will give you both a chance to talk about your health concerns and how they might affect your life together as a married couple.

Reproductive Health

It’s easy to say that the ability to have children will not impact whether you want to get married or not. At the heart of every marriage is still the idea of sharing your life with kids. Unless both of you agree never to have children in the future, you don’t have to undergo a reproductive health checkup. However, if there are plans on the horizon, it’s critical to know what problems you could be facing.

You have to know that there are minor health problems that can affect your ability to conceive. For women, it could be polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a hormonal problem that can cause the ovaries to develop small follicles and fail to release eggs regularly. This can sometimes make getting pregnant harder. Fortunately, medications and treatments can solve this.

For men, the number one cause would be low testosterone levels. With a low testosterone level, men will have intimacy problems. This will also cause difficulty in getting his wife pregnant. Fortunately, like PCOS, there is a simple solution to this. You can have testosterone replacement therapy to address the issue of your low level of testosterone.

STI Testing

Freeing yourself of doubts about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is vital before you enter marriage. This guarantees that you will not have problems bearing children and that you will not transmit the infection to your partner. Remember that some STIs can be present without any symptoms. You wouldn’t know you are carrying an infection unless you get tested.

The test for STI is so quick and easy that you’ll wonder why not many people are doing it. While some partners may feel awkward talking about a possible infection, know that you can carry STI years and years back. It doesn’t always have to do anything with your present partner.

woman and a doctor

Basic Screening

You shouldn’t be doing this only before you get married. In fact, basic screening must be done every year to make sure that you’re up to speed with your vaccines, PAP smears, cancer screening, mammogram, and other preventive tests. You have to undergo this so that you will not be shocked about any health problems you may encounter in the future. It will also put your qualms to rest.

You need to get your cholesterol levels and blood pressure checked, too. When you are planning for a wedding, you’ll be celebrating a lot, eating food and drinking. Are you sure you are healthy enough for all these merrymaking activities? Celebratory food and drinks tend to be high in fat and sugar. Make sure to keep an eye on what you eat and drink.

Family Planning

Whether you want to have kids or not in the future, it’s essential to talk about your plans to have one just in case. Do you have any illness in the family that you might pass on to your children in the future? How do you want to go about planning to have kids if there’s a chance of passing on certain diseases? The doctors will look at your medical history and pinpoint areas that might mean your pregnancy will be complicated. There are plenty of options for addressing medical issues related to passing genetic disorders or diseases to children.

It’s essential to have a conversation about your health with your partner. So many couples refuse to talk about their family’s medical histories. As a result, they are often caught surprised by illnesses and diseases after they get married and spent a huge amount on their caterer. Your medical condition is no reason for you to break off an engagement, but you could plan better if you know what you’re facing.

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