How De-Cluttering and Redecorating Helps Your Mental Health

Our bedroom affects our well-being more than we realize. You’ll notice that every time you walk into a cluttered space, you’ll immediately feel distracted, whereas if you enter a neat and airy room, you’ll automatically feel Zen.

Professionals Carolyn DiCarlo, an interior designer and architect, and Dr. Esslin Terrighena, a psychologist, both agree that the look of our bedrooms is linked to the state of our mental health. According to DiCarlo, a cluttered space can manifest itself into our well-being, making us feel like we’re just as cluttered.

Therefore, if your bedroom isn’t helping in reducing your stress, let’s see how a makeover can help.

Spaces Affect the Way We Think About Ourselves

DiCarlo added that spaces don’t just affect our moods, but also the way we think about ourselves. If we regard our areas as something that we can control, then we’d think that we’re in control of our lives. Conversely, if we believe that a space controls us instead, we’d also suppose that we lack control of our lives, so we’d thereby suffer from the sense of being stuck.

Furthermore, the less we think about our bedrooms, the more our brains can sink into a calmer state. DiCarlo says that cleaning our bedrooms is also a form of cleaning our minds, freeing it of clutter-related images. As a result, we’d feel more secure that our bedrooms are a Zen retreat, not another space that we have to work on.

Considering those, recall when you last cleaned your room. Is it time to change your bedding again? Are the curtains dusty? What about the rugs? Maybe your stress is coming from its musty smell, a sign that you already need to take it to your area’s most trusted carpet cleaning shop.

Clutter Is Linked to Depression

Dr. Terrighena states that clutter frustrates us because they invade our space. If that’s our bedroom, which is supposedly our safe place, our frustration can intensify, especially if we have no idea how to start re-organizing our stuff again.

If the clutter in our room builds up, then so does our frustration. That may push us to guilt when we buy new stuff because it’ll only add to the mess. Also, our irritability may increase because the clutter makes it hard to find things.

On top of that, our brains feel overwhelmed by the messy environment, making it juggle multiple stimuli. As such, we’d have a hard time sleeping.

Dr. Terrighena said that such a sensation in the brain could trigger anxiety, forcing us to believe that there is danger in our surroundings. That can push us to negative self-talk, which consequently leads to depression if not treated.

How to Make Your Bedroom Relaxing Again

Mental health

Now that we know how messy bedrooms aggravate stress and depression, we can gather that the solution is de-cluttering and — to add an element of excitement — redecorating. After cleaning up, add new essentials to the area, like indoor plants. They are proven to improve moods, and low-maintenance types are available, such as succulents.

Incorporate aromatherapy through scented candles or essential oil diffusers to evoke relaxation. If you’re struggling to sleep, buy a white noise machine, as it’s proven that we sleep better when there’s a bit of background noise.

Change the color palette into more tranquil tones, like blues for the bedding and walls, warm whites for lights, and even reds and pinks for accent lighting. Such hues immediately put us into a calmer mood, inviting sleep more naturally and faster.

Most importantly, maintain the organization of your room to stop it from stressing you again. If you insist that you thrive with a bit of clutter, keep two at most of your favorite things visible. When you apply these tips to your bedroom makeover project, the effect will be therapeutic.

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