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Lifestyle Issues That Couples Can Encounter When Conceiving

Almost every couple dreams of starting their own family. But, this would require a lot of responsibilities. Of course, you should be financially secure before you consider having a baby. There are many expenses, even during the nine-month period of pregnancy.

Along with that, you’d need to be physically and mentally prepared as well. Despite the excitement, you and your partner would also feel a lot of stress. So, you should make some changes to your lifestyle. There may also be instances when medical conditions could hinder couples from conceiving a child. So, what are the things you can do to overcome such challenges?

Monitor Your Health

Watch What You Eat and Drink

If you’re trying to get pregnant, one thing to watch out for is the food you intake. Since you want your future child to be healthy, you need to have a balanced diet. Let’s say you’re the type of person who loves eating processed foods, sweets, and the like. Well, then it’s about time that you cut back on your consumption. Instead, you should opt for healthier alternatives, such as vegetables and protein. The same goes for the liquids you intake. You should avoid drinking caffeine and other sugary drinks, as well as alcohol. All these could affect your period cycle.

Stay Fit

You should also see to it that you monitor your physical condition. With the ongoing pandemic, you’d need to be extra careful. Of course, you can’t afford to get sick during these times. So, one way of boosting your immune system is by exercising. Another great advantage of doing physical activities is that it can improve your hormone balance and blood flow. In that way, your chances of getting pregnant would increase as well.

Most of us are now staying at home, so we don’t get to move around that much. This is why you could follow various fitness routines online to stay in shape. You could also try jogging or taking a walk around your neighborhood. But, you should keep in mind the different health protocols to protect yourself against the virus.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Now, it’s not only your physical condition that you should watch out for. Mental health is also something to prioritize, especially at present. Staying indoors for most parts of the day can affect your well-being. In some cases, one may tend to feel isolated, which could lead to depression. Eventually, this would affect your chances of having a baby. Experiencing stress can decrease the release of hormones in your body.

Make Use of Technology

Nowadays, there are also many mobile applications that you can download online. One example is a fertility tracker. This would allow you to monitor your period cycle. In that way, you get to see which days could give you more chances of conceiving a child.

It May Not Always Work

woman and a doctor

However, following all these can’t guarantee immediate success for you and your partner. So, the next best thing you can do is to see a doctor. There may be other underlying reasons as to why you’re finding it hard to get pregnant. During your visit, the doctor would assess your medical history so that they’ll be able to give you advice on what to do next.

For Women

There are instances when women suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) without them even knowing. And this is an illness that can affect one’s fertility. However, there’s no definitive test for it. So, doctors would advise you to get blood tests, an ultrasound, or a pelvic exam. Continuing to follow the above-mentioned health practices could also be of great help.

For Men

There may also be times when it could be the men who are experiencing complications. One of these is erectile dysfunction. Usually, it may be due to genetics, aging, stress, or smoking. This is why treatments, such as the GAINSWave treatment, are made available for such a problem.

You Have an Important Role

Bringing a new life into the world is no easy feat. There are many things that every couple needs to consider beforehand. Of course, the most important one is health. This goes not just for women but for men as well. Yes, it’s usually the women who need to prioritize their health since they’ll be the ones to carry the baby. But men would also have an important role. No child can be conceived without a partner. So you need to be aware of what you should do if you’re in the same situation.

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