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Low-level Activities and Mental Health: The Connection You Should Know About

Have you noticed how fit people love to exercise regularly? You’ll hear them often claim that it gives them more energy and that they sleep better at night. They also feel more relaxed and have a positive outlook on life. Well, all of this is true.

People who love to exercise have better physical and mental health. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical activity can help you manage and prevent non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. It can also reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety while enhancing judgment, thinking, and learning skills.

Regular physical activity, particularly exercise, can significantly improve the effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and depression in a person suffering from these conditions. It relieves stress and boosts overall mood. In other words, regular exercise can improve an individual’s overall well-being.

Even a Few Minutes Are Better Than Nothing

Here’s a little secret: you don’t have to sweat it out just to reap the benefits of exercise for your mental health. Even a few minutes of low-risk, low-level activities can be good for your mind. In fact, you must do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 minutes every week, regardless of your age. Depending on your schedule and daily activities, you can fit this into 20 to 30 minutes for five days, 15 to 20 minutes every day, or whichever is easier for you at first.

Starting with small increments can be advantageous. As you become more attuned to your physical activities, you’ll be able to do more and add more time to your exercise routine. The key here is to stick to regular physical activity.

Now the question is, which exercises can you count as low-level activities? Which exercises can you do regularly, without the need to spend more than an hour in the gym? That’s where this article can help. Find out below what exercises can be considered low-level and beneficial to your mental health.

Aerobic Exercises

Walking, running, and cycling are aerobic exercises that can be good for your mental health. They may be simple, but they provide enough stimulation in your body to ease symptoms of depression and increase your energy levels. They can also lower fatigue and confusion.

You can also do moderate resistance training such as free weights, push-ups, and squats to strengthen your muscles and lower symptoms of depression.

aerobic exercises

Volunteer Work

Volunteer work still counts as physical activity. The time you spend doing something for others can help you keep moving, thus providing physical activity. This can enhance your mental health in a way that brings peace and joy to your mind with the thought of having helped other people. Now, isn’t that a good feeling to have?

Weekly volunteer work can improve your functional limitations if you’re suffering from chronic bodily pains. It can also give you opportunities to connect with less-fortunate people. This promotes acts of kindness that can give you a sense of compassion, solidarity, and purpose. This will increase your self-esteem, improving your outlook in life.


Golf is often viewed as a sport for the non-athletic types. However, being a low-level activity can make it a good exercise for your mental health. It reduces anxiety and symptoms of depression. It also lowers your stress levels.

The social interaction fostered by playing golf allows you to connect with other people, giving you a sense of purpose. Because of the connection you experience, you will always look forward to playing the game. This can encourage you to be physically active more.

Golf can also lower stress levels. You’ll be playing surrounded by nature, and this can be beneficial to your mental health. Even the greenery background provided by an interactive indoor driving range can have this effect on your mental health.

For people with functional limitations, golf can be a form of therapy. This can positively influence the brain, thus encouraging people to be more active in their daily lives.


No matter the level of yoga, it can help heal your body and mind. In fact, even after just one session, your brain will go through positive changes and improve your overall

The physical poses, periods of meditation, and controlled breathing you do while practicing yoga can improve your respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate. When these elements are improved, you will feel calmer.

Aside from improving your body’s balance and flexibility, yoga can reduce your stress levels, anxiety, and depression.

Get Help When You Need It

Still, mental health is a big issue. It’s a good practice to seek professional help when you really need it. If anything becomes unbearable, you need to talk to someone about it. A therapist or counselor can provide better support.

After getting treatment or while at it, maintain regular physical activity. It’s essential to address your mental health problems with all positive and possible solutions. Consider taking up the activities offered in this article together with your therapy or treatment.

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