hospice care

Preparing Yourself and Your Home for Your Loved One’s Hospice Care

No matter the age or status in life, anyone can end up needing end-of-the-line care. Some people may have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease while others due to old age. If you received news from the doctor that your loved one now only have a limited time to live, then you’d want their remaining days to be as safe and comfortable as possible.

Many patients would rather pass on at the comfort of their homes. Hospice care services make it possible to grant such a wish. Loved ones can partner up with a team of hospice care professionals to provide the needs of the patient. But before this, you will need to prepare your home.

Here are three tips to help you prepare your home and yourself for your loved one’s hospice care.

Craft a hospice care plan

First, you’ll need to find a team to render hospice care for your patient. The assigned nurse will meet with the patient, their doctors, and all caregivers to craft a care plan. Provide the necessary information needed to help the team provide the best care that fits the patient’s needs. Everyone should be kept updated with any changes in the patient’s needs and the necessary adjustments.

Make your home conducive for care

seniors at home

Your home needs to be hospice care-ready before the patient arrives. It should be easily accessible for both the patient and caregivers. So, make sure to remove any obstacles to facilitate easy traffic. Always keep the house clean and organized. Remove any tripping hazards and keep the house well lit to avoid falls.

Accommodating equipment makes it easier for the patient to receive care and comfort. This can include a hospital bed for easy transferring or changing the patient’s position. You may also need a wheelchair or a walker so you can transport the patient with ease. For patients who are having a hard time breathing, you will need oxygen equipment in place. Ask the patient’s doctor for any additional equipment they might need.

Sometimes, you may need to remodel or modify the house a little to accommodate hospice care. If your patient struggles going up and down the stairs, you may need to relocate them on the first level of the house. Their bedroom may also need curtains for additional privacy.

Handrails make it easy for the patients to navigate around the house. You may need a higher toilet if necessary or add grab bars and non-skid mats for a safer bathroom. Every modification will depend on the needs of your loved one.

Prepare yourself in aiding in the hospice care

The transition is not an easy one. Your to-do list can be endless, but that’s not the most challenging part. What makes it harder for the caregiver’s role is the fact that you’re also preparing yourself for your loved one’s passing.

Make sure to take a break and do something that will make you feel better. Write about your feelings. Talk to someone you can rely on about your feelings. You can even consider talking to a counselor to understand your emotions better.

Knowing your loved one’s time is ticking can put caregivers into an emotional roller coaster. However, they need you now more than ever. Find the best hospice care for your loved one. Prepare your home and yourself for the care. This way, you can be better prepared for what is about to happen.

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