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Lifestyle Measures to Reduce the Risks of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a disease that still has many misconceptions surrounding it. These wrong notions may lead to a careless approach to this disease.

One of the myths prevalent about Alzheimer’s is that many believe it is a natural part of the aging process. The reality is this disease is not as simple as memory loss that is common with older people. Alzheimer’s is the kind of memory loss that is disruptive to the daily routine. It also affects judgment and reasoning. Thus, a person who has Alzheimer’s needs in-home health care to let them continue having a meaningful life. This is far different from the mere memory loss that most elders experience.

People should refute the idea that it is common for older people to get Alzheimer’s. When they do, they can be more proactive with some lifestyle measures to reduce the chances of getting it. They can give a good fight during their prime years. This is better than accepting that this disease will come sooner or later. Here are some lifestyle changes that may reduce one’s Alzheimer’s risk.

Choose Some Stimulating Physical Activity

Your body and your brain have intricate connections that you may not be aware of. Engaging in exercise helps to increase your blood flow. This translates to better oxygen flow to the brain. Stimulating physical activity can also keep neurons healthy. They even foster the growth of new ones.

Do you need to add to your list another reason why you need to exercise? You can put to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s to encourage you. 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week is a good starting point. You do not even have to think hard of exercise regimens. Walking and swimming are excellent activities to begin with.

Cut Down on Sugar and Fat

Alzheimer’s disease is sometimes called the “diabetes of the brain.” Thus, your first line of defense in lowering your risk for such a disease is to have less sugar in your diet. Increased spikes in blood sugar could inflame your brain. Saturated fats can also develop memory loss.

What types of foods then should you have in your diet? Choose healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 acids. Some point to a Mediterranean diet as a good framework to follow for a diet good for brain health.

Catch Some Quality Sleep

Did you ever have a bad morning when you cannot function well because of sleep deprivation? This scenario is a perfect illustration of how bad quality of sleep affects your brain. If you want to love your brain, committing to getting quality sleep is a must.

Sleep is the time when your brain restores and reboots. A habit of sleep deprivation will also rob your brain of the chance to flush out toxins. Thus, you need to practice good sleep hygiene to ensure that you would have quality sleep.

Cope with Stress Well

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Stress can wreak havoc on your mental health. In more specific terms, chronic stress can shrink your brain and kill some brain cells. Managing stress is taking back some control over the situations in your life. There are simple stress management tips you can try to keep your brain healthier. It could go as simple as taking a deep breath or choosing activities that you enjoy.

Challenge Your Brain

A straightforward way to fight Alzheimer’s is to keep your brain active. You can do this in many ways. Feeding your brain with new information is the easiest way. You can learn a new language or a new hobby to stimulate your brain. Find the level of challenge that best suits you.

Mental workouts are simple ways to spend time exercising your brain. Brain teasers, strategy games, and puzzles can all work for this purpose.

You can also create new brain pathways by adding some twists to your regular routines. You can try eating or writing with your less dominant hand. A new route going to work would also jog your brain. Challenge your brain by not letting it go on autopilot.

Connect with Others

Interactions reduce Alzheimer’s risk because of their link with other lifestyle changes. For example, doing some physical activity with an exercise buddy is more enjoyable. It provides you with an accountability partner to continue with your fitness goals.

Choosing healthier food options is also more likely when you eat with someone. You can bond over good food and even with its preparation. Having regular interactions with those dear to you is an excellent stress buster.

You may find it hard to do all these lifestyle changes all at once. Incorporating minor changes is a good way to start towards the path to a healthier brain. You do not need to succumb to the idea that everyone would fall prey to Alzheimer’s. Though not foolproof, you can do something to help lessen your risk.

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