wedding plan

Safety Considerations to Make When Hosting a Wedding Today

So what are the rules of a pandemic wedding? This day was supposed to be about celebrating this new milestone with your loved ones. The pandemic, of course, has another idea. Couples have to postpone their weddings. Families have to pause their summer plans. But even in the best of times, planning for a wedding is rarely stress-free. If there are hiccups along the way when you planned your wedding in the pre-pandemic times, there will surely be major roadblocks amid a pandemic.

Your number one concern is your safety and that of your guests. That means looking beyond the threat of the coronavirus. Although weddings look very different today, that doesn’t mean you will forget about the basic considerations of planning a wedding such as the age of your guests, the accessibility of the venue, and their possible food allergies.

Whom Are You Inviting?

But first thing’s first. Who are you inviting? You have to make sure that your guests will wear masks and will follow health protocols. Otherwise, it may be wise not to invite them anymore. If you have a couple of non-mask-wearing relatives, forget about inviting them. You and your guests will be safer with people who are willing to follow the safety measures you put in place.

Age of Your Guests

Health experts are encouraging senior adults to stay home and not venture out. They will more likely contract the virus because of certain co-morbidities. But that’s not just the concern when inviting your grandparents. You have to make sure that the event is senior-adults-friendly, too.

Seniors trip and fall on slippery and uneven floors. If there are loose floorboards in the ballroom, make sure to raise that matter with your wedding planner or the wedding venue manager. They can apply epoxy floor sealers on it. If your venue is on the second floor, make sure there’s a lift for your grandparents. You should also make sure to sit them near the washroom because senior adults tend to go to the bathroom more frequently.

Accessibility of the Venue

How accessible is the venue for your loved ones? Don’t make them venture out too far from their homes. While the government lifted the movement restrictions, health experts still recommend that people stay in their town, cities, and states. This makes the spreading of the virus harder and the tracing of those infected easier.

Check where your guests are coming from. If they have to drive for five hours to get to your wedding, it might not be practical for them to come. Remember that these are different times. A road trip is not advisable given the amount of exposure they can be subjected to while on the road.

Food Allergies

Healthy food

Are your guests allergic to a certain food? You will have a small gathering of friends and loved ones during your wedding. That is the smart and practical thing to do amid a pandemic. Since it’s just a small gathering, you can make an extra effort to know if they are allergic to a certain food you plan to serve. You can even customize the menu according to the preferences of your guests. This shows that you value their presence during this special event in your life.

As always, require everyone to wear a mask or a face shield. Only take off your mask when it’s time for the photo session. Require the same thing from your wedding suppliers. While anytime is the perfect time to get married to the love of your life, don’t risk your life or anyone’s life in the name of love.

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