dinner party

Spring 2021: As the Pandemic Continues, Al Fresco Dining Regains Popularity

\It has been a cold winter but, soon, the sun will shine again. The season will change and spring will arrive.

It will be a joy to once again go out and breathe fresh air or feel the warmth on your skin. After being cooped up indoors for several months, your body and your mind will be thanking you for getting out of the house, even for a few minutes.

However, as restrictions to curb the pandemic remains, traveling is still out of the question. Although the government has started vaccinating the population, achieving herd immunity will likely take a while. The virus is still spreading and stepping out of your property will still carry some risk.

There is still a way to enjoy the sunshine without putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. In the past year, despite the public health crisis followed by an economic downturn, people have rediscovered a few good things. Some have started using their kitchens more often and home-cooked meals became a popular trend. As cabin fever after months of lockdown starts to set in, the public compromised by eating outdoors.

Al Fresco Dining: the Fun of Eating Outdoors Return

Al fresco dining has never been more popular than in the past year. When restaurants reopened, experts warned that indoor dining was still a hazard. Studies from China and South Korea revealed how people caught COVID-19 while dining in a restaurant, even when customers were far apart from each other.

outdoor dining

Dining outdoors, on the other hand, is less risky, as long as customers and servers continue to follow minimum health protocols. Outdoors, there is a bigger space for potentially contaminated droplets and aerosols to disperse without infecting another person. The possibility of catching the virus is lower.

People, however, are not just eating at restaurants. They are also making use of their backyards to eat their meals. There has never been a better time to have your own living space for dining, for hanging out, or for relaxation outdoors.

The landscaping industry has seen a greater demand in the past year as people hunker down for months of lockdowns. People want a perfectly-manicured lawn for their enjoyment, and part of their demand is a place for al fresco dining. As people cook their own meals, or order takeout from their favorite restaurants, eating at home can continue to be a special experience.

Al Fresco Dining at Home

Your outdoor dining space does not have to be perfect, but it has to be comfortable. You would need outdoor furniture that can withstand environmental elements such as the sun and the rain. For dinners, you would need appropriate lighting, too.

With that said, expect to shell out a few dollars to makeover a space. You can hire companies that specialize in landscape lighting services to connect the light posts or festoon lights to the power box. Of course, you will need to purchase tables and chairs that you can take outdoors.

Next, you would need to arrange the table before every meal. Using all your fancy plates and silverware makes the experience feel like a celebration. And, because it is spring, placing fresh flowers in the middle of the table is a must.

The Wonderful Benefits of Al Fresco Dining

Al fresco dining should be the norm because of its physiological and mental health benefits. First, it gives people a chance to spend time outdoors where they can get a dose of vitamin D, a nutrient important for strong bones, and boost immune function. Moreover, it improves a person’s overall mood by reducing stress and increasing happiness.

Al fresco dining also encourages families to bond. Having your meals together forges closer bonds that positively influence the development of young children.

Through family dinners, children can discuss their interests and experiences with their parents. In addition, according to studies, it makes children consume more fruits and vegetables as parents create a model for healthy eating habits.

Al fresco dining is unlikely to go away any time soon. As the virus continues to spread and the herd community is not yet achieved, many people will continue to eat their meals outdoors.

Some experts believe that it will become a habit that will persist after the pandemic. Now that people are aware of the benefits and the joys of eating outdoors, they likely will continue to find every opportunity to sit under the sunshine at restaurants or at home for an hour or two while they finish their meals.

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