Man sleeping with mouth open

Steps to Stop Snoring

If your roommate or partner have begrudgingly complained to you about your loud and frequent snoring, don’t be embarrassed. After all, it’s not something you consciously do, in fact around 41.5% of the entire UK adult population snore (that’s about 15 million people), and it “affects” 30 million other people in the UK. However, that doesn’t mean you should just stop sleeping or change rooms; there are steps you can take in order to help you stop snoring.

Healthy Lifestyle and Diet

One of the most common causes of snoring is obesity; even just overweight by a couple of kilos can cause someone who doesn’t usually snore to start doing so. This is due to the fatty tissues in one’s neck, squeezing your airway, which prevents proper airflow. So, if you’ve recently put in a few kilos, its’ best to start changing up your diet and start exercising to get your BMI back to normal. Smokers are also prone to sleep disorders such as snoring as well as sleep apnea and insomnia (and also a myriad of other health complications). So, by living a healthier lifestyle and quitting cigarettes, you’re more likely to stop snoring and improve your overall health.

Drink Water

Snoring can also be caused by dehydration; this is due to your nose, mouth, and throat forming mucus due to dehydration, which leads to the mucus blocking your airways and causes snoring. As such, it’s important to drink your recommended volume of water to stop snoring and also to maintain your bodily functions.

Sleeping Posture and Position

Another way to improve your quality of sleep and stop snoring is by changing your sleeping position and improving your sleeping posture. One of the effective ways to stop snoring is by sleeping on your side; this prevents your tongue from moving to the back of your throat and blocking your airway. There are also corrective pillows that are designed to help you sleep better while preventing you from snoring. Alternatively, you can simply elevate the head of your bed in order to properly align your head and open your airways while you sleep.

Consider Getting A Humidifier

If you live in an area that’s cold, or if you’re simply much more comfortable sleeping when it’s cold, you’d be exposing your nose and throat to dry air which irritates the membranes and result in swollen tissues and cause snoring. As such, having a humidifier can help make the air in your room a lot gentler for your nose and throat.

Visit Your Doctor or Dentist

Snoring can be associated with underlying health risks and issues such as sleep apnea, chronic headaches, obesity. If you’re a frequent or chronic snorer and also feel like you’re getting poor sleep quality, it’s best to consult your physician or your dentist. Your private dentist in London may have an anti-snoring apparatus that can effectively stop snoring and improve sleep quality. Likewise, your doctor can check for other possible health issues causing you to snore. Some dentists even work in tandem with sleep physicians to provide more comprehensive treatment and solutions for those who suffer snoring and sleep apnea.


Man snoring and woman covering her ears while sleeping on bed in bedroom

Snoring can be quite inconvenient not only for those who you’re sharing a room or bed with but can actually be a tell-tale sign of other health complications you’ll want to address. As such, if your partner or roommates start complaining about the noise you’re making as you sleep, it’s best to try out these tips to stop or at least minimise your snoring.

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