Coffin being carried

Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for Your Own Funeral

At some point, we would have to face our mortality. It may sound weird to talk about funerals and death seeing as no one likes admitting we’ll all one day leave this Earth, but it’s practical to plan. This way, you’ll get the funeral service you want, and your family won’t have to worry about anything. You can plan as early as possible so that no matter what happens, you are sure that your funeral will be the one you plan.

The first thing you need to do is to talk with a funeral home in Ogden or other cities in Utah. Ask to see the funeral director so that they can explain the choices you have to make when it comes to your funeral. The funeral director will store this information safely, and it can be accessed only by your family members and maybe a few trusted friends that you’ll tell the funeral director about.

Make Your Choice

You need to choose between burial and cremation. You may even choose to donate your body to science. How about the viewing of the body? Will you allow it? If you do, where will it be? In a funeral home or just beside the plot of land where you will be buried? If you choose burial, you need to purchase a plot of land. If you want to be cremated, you need to make the necessary arrangements with a crematorium. You also need to decide what you want to do with your ashes. Will they be scattered or will they be put in an urn? You can let them know about your choices directly, or you can write it in your will.

Pay for It…or Not Just Yet

While it is advisable to plan your funeral, you are not obliged to pay for the services in advance. That is still an option, of course, but you need to review the contract down to its tiniest detail. For one, you may move to another state, rendering your funeral plans useless—unless it is your specific direction to bring you back to that state. The funeral home may go out of business, leaving you with no services or money. It is wiser if you can just save the money in a separate bank account that your family can access when something happens to you.

Personalize Your Funeral

Concept of funeral

There are many ways for your funeral to be designed exactly the way you want it. You can choose a location (funeral homes, chapels, places of worship, or gravesites), officiant, and participants (pallbearers and readers). You can also make a list of who you like the funeral manager to invite to your viewing. Leave the names, addresses, and contact numbers of your invitees. You can let your family know about any specific element of the funeral—from the flowers, music, to the eulogies to be given.

Finally, once you have arranged your funeral plans, you can start saving up for it. The funeral director can explain the cost of the services to you. You don’t want your family to worry about the money aspect of your funeral, so better prepare for it in advance.

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