Need Help With Marketing for Your Dental Practice? Top Tips for Starting Out!

Are you new to marketing and need some help in boosting your dental surgery’s image online and in the local area? Look no further!

Here, some top dental marketing tips are provided to help you grow your surgery’s presence online. So, read on and enjoy!

Community is key

If your dental surgery is in East London, you won’t be able to treat patients in Bristol and so, you will need to rely heavily on your local community to create links to potential patients.

To promote your surgery locally, you could set up booths at festivals, teach classes to school children on dental hygiene or even sponsor a local child’s sports team. This will get you noticed and will help to show your support for those in your local area.

Social media

Almost every business that exists has a page on either Facebook or Instagram, and a dental surgery should be no exception.

Building your presence on social media allows you to reach current and potential patients all year round, helping them to see updates about your surgery and information relating to current issues (such as COVID restrictions and information). Again, this helps to build trust with your patients.

Redesign your site

working on a desktop computer

Your website is your surgery’s calling card and as such, it has to make a good impression to all the people who visit it. It will need to obviously look professional and promote your brand but it also has to have easy navigation; this will make it more accessible for a wider range of people while once again boosting those rankings on search engines.

If you are unfamiliar with website design, especially in relation to dental surgery’s, this can be tricky, so it is advised that you contact a professional marketing company to give your site a makeover.


If you have ever looked into SEO and marketing, chances are you will know how creating unique content can be a boom for your website.

Marketing in the form of blogs and articles creates an opportunity to regularly add original content to your site, which will in turn increase your overall ranking in search results. And as you know, a higher ranking on a search engine equates to more organic traffic coming to your site; more page visits equals more patients! Great!

Another advantage of having a blog is that it allows you to provide informative articles to potential patients, which is pivotal if you want to attract those who may be concerned about dental care.

Appointment reminders

Remember years back when you would receive a letter reminding you of an upcoming medical appointment?

Well, while that is effective if our appointment was booked a week in advance, it doesn’t work for an emergency appointment. And so, with marketing, you can remind patients of upcoming appointments using text messages and emails when they have just booked the appointment and 24 hours beforehand.

That way, they won’t forget to turn up and you will have strengthened your surgery’s relationship with them. Perfect!

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