travelling to work

Can You Travel While Completing a Rehab Program?

Once you have decided to treat your addiction—no matter what kind—the next step is to learn how to commit to it. Remember that rehabilitation programs are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They are not magic. They don’t magically make you feel better after attending a few sessions. Each program is unique to the individual. Your success will depend on how committed you are to the program.

But if you do find yourself needing to travel either for work or leisure, can you still do it while in rehab? Certainly. Why shouldn’t you continue living your life normally even though you are dealing with a mental health problem?

The Right Rehab Program

Of course, it matters what kind of rehab program you are under to be able to travel while completing it. An outpatient rehab program will allow you to continue working, traveling, and meeting with friends while finishing it. The program will have a predetermined time when you can come in to attend sessions. It will not require you to stay in with the other patients nor do you have to eat, exercise, and do all things in the facility. You are free to go when the session is over.

This program will allow you to take a break when needed either for work or personal growth. Although taking a break in the middle of a program is highly discouraged, this is the most flexible type of rehabilitation program that you can find. You might only have to check in on with your therapist once in a while if you have to travel for an extended period.

The right rehab program will help you no matter where in the world you are, or no matter what method your therapist uses to reach out to you. Whether you’re in the same room or the other end of the globe, if the program guides you through the recovery process correctly, you will have no problem tuning in to it. That’s why it’s very essential to determine what you need from a program and to choose the kind of therapy that will provide solutions rather than more questions.

Virtual Sessions

virtual session

Do virtual consultations with therapists count as rehabilitation? This was one of the main problems during the lockdown last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. A lot of patients in rehabilitation programs and counseling therapies were unable to attend the sessions because of the lockdown. There were reports of suicidal tendencies among this sector of the population, though extensive research is needed to link it to the lockdown.

Although virtual sessions will help a lot in reaching out to rehab patients, these are not the same as face-to-face consultations. Still, you can travel the world if your therapist will allow sessions to be held virtually. You can connect to Zoom from any point of the globe as long as there’s an internet connection. You can even hike a mountain and do your therapy on top of it. With virtual sessions, there’s no limit to where you can go and what you can do as long as the therapist approves of it.

But What About Insurance?

The only question now is whether your insurance policy will cover the cost of therapy sessions outside the actual facility? Are they okay paying for your therapy when you can travel while doing it? Will they believe you need such costly therapy sessions when you seem fine enough to go around the world?

While there may be hiccups in terms of your insurance policy, there are ways around this, too. Your therapist will be the one to prove to the insurance company that you need the sessions, whether face-to-face or virtual. The therapist will also have the necessary documents to prove that claim. A peek into these recommendations will give the insurance company everything they need to know about the state of your mental health.

And if the therapist approves of your travels, then the insurance company will have no reason to disapprove your insurance claims. In many ways, traveling is part of the overall strategy of recovering from an addiction. Traveling does not only take you places, but it opens your eyes to the sacrifices, challenges, and disadvantages that others face. Your troubles will feel very little compared to others.

Deciding how to go about your rehabilitation is a challenging task. It is overwhelming since there are many factors to consider. However, if the program allows it, do not let it hinder you from doing what activities you think will complement your recovery—from meeting friends to working out to traveling the globe.

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