construction project

Why Building Commissioning Makes Sense

Construction work is expensive. This means that there is no margin for error when it comes to erecting a building. If you are ready to start constructing your building, commissioning will help you avoid issues that occur during the construction phase. It also helps avoid post-occupancy problems such as equipment operational issues, occupant discomfort, reduced equipment life, and excessive energy use. Why is building commissioning a wise idea?

It Harmonizes a Construction Project

Constructing a building requires the coming together of different types of experts. The proprietor, the design experts, construction contractors, etc., have to work closely together to deliver. Most of the time, creating synchrony between these teams is challenging. If a building project is involved, all teams involved will understand it differently. For instance, the design team might not deliver what the owner needs. The construction team might misinterpret the design. Commissioning helps avoid disjointedness as far as design intent, current technologies, and constructability are concerned.

Helps Catch Potential Issues in Time

Commissioning involves regular inspection of construction work. This is important because it helps catch potential deficiencies in time. When these deficiencies are addressed in time, it helps avoid the inconveniences and costs that come with addressing them much later. Since the process involves full documentation of defects, it gives all teams involved in the construction process insight regarding what needs to be corrected. Documentation of progress also helps keep records for future reference if necessary.

It Helps with Staff Training

The process requires the involvement of all teams, including the owner, design expert, and contractor. Since most specialists in building commissioning in Portland have both theoretical and practical experience, all groups get to learn from them. This training helps all parties understand their roles, which guarantees an outstanding end product. Commissioning providers are also familiar with industry best practices. They help design teams, contractors, and systems installation experts adhere to those practices.

Lower Energy Costs

construction worker

Energy use remains the most significant concern for commercial building owners. A commissioning professional ensures that your building delivers the energy savings your design promises. Commissioning involves the verification of sophisticated control strategies. These include start/stop timing in line with environmental conditions, loop tuning, equipment staging, occupancy determined scheduling, etc. Since most providers offer ongoing commissioning, you would be sure that your complete building would perform at optimal efficiency throughout as far as energy efficiency is concerned.

Fewer Project Delays

Commissioning focuses on scheduling, coordination, sequencing of work, and upholding quality. The detailed information allows all teams to schedule the required job correctly. When all teams involved understand their roles and play them appropriately, the project will stay on schedule. Commissioning also helps catch problems in time. This means that they get resolved in time, which helps avoid unnecessary delays. The training the experts offer helps teams prevent mistakes that might mean redoing the work.

Understand that you need the right commissioning experts to enjoy high-quality services. This makes it essential to focus on seasoned providers. Ensuring that they have the appropriate tools, especially modern commissioning software systems, is necessary. If you would need ongoing support, choose among providers with staying power.

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