
How Not to Worry About Your Home While You’re Backpacking

You have packed up your suitcase or backpack and are quite excited about the trip of a lifetime. Whether it’s for work or for personal leisure, leaving your home behind is one of the primary concerns of someone constantly traveling. If you’re going to be away for a month or two, how are you going to make sure that your home is safe and secure? The best thing, really, is to ask someone to take care of it while you’re away. However, hiring someone will cost you money, and all your friends and relatives have lives (and homes) of their own. It is selfish to hear you traveling the world while they’re in your home tending to your plants.

So, how is this going to be possible without human intervention? You’re halfway around the world, and all you can think about is your home in Utah. Is that the best way to enjoy your much-needed break?

Secure All Entryways

It goes without saying that the most important thing you can do is to secure all entryways, and that includes the garage door. Most homeowners don’t bother locking the garage door since the connecting door to the main house is always bolted anyway. But if you are going to be gone for a long time, you might want to call a garage door contractor to make sure that the door leading to one of the main entryways to your house is secured. They can install a bolt or even an automated lock.

Install Cameras

If you don’t already have them, it’s time to install security cameras on your property, especially in your house’s perimeter. You can have remote access to these cameras via an app. This way, you can check if someone is lurking at any given time. Plus, you can also send this as proof to the authorities so that they can check your property from time to time while you’re away. This will be the best way to deter criminals.

home security

Set Times on Interior and Exterior Lights

Burglars are always looking for opportunities. If they notice that you haven’t turned your lights on for days, they will take this chance to try and enter it. You can install a timer on your interior and exterior lights so that they turn on at specific times of the day. For example, make sure that they’re turned on by 5 p.m. It will look like someone is at home. For your exterior lights, look for motion-detecting ones. When someone tries to hide in the dark spots in your yard, the lights will turn on and deter their plans.

Do Not Post on Social Media

Never broadcast your status and where you are. If you really need to update your social media followers, then don’t post in real-time. That will give criminals an idea. Most people don’t understand that their posts on Facebook and Instagram put them at risk. You can also tell a friend that you’ll be thanking them on Facebook for taking care of your house (even if they’re not there exactly) so people will think that there’s someone there.

Inform the Alarm Company

If you have an automatic security system, don’t forget to inform the alarm company that you’ll be gone. They can teach you the best way to protect your home, and, at the same time, they’ll know that alarms coming from your home are not false. They can call authorities immediately when someone trips the alarm system.

Prepare for Power Surges

Power surges are not predictable. You may end up with your appliances fried if you don’t disconnect them from the power source. Aside from that, vampire energy accounts for 20% of your monthly electricity bill. Don’t leave any appliance connected to the power outlet so as not to waste your money, too.

Stop Mail and Newspapers

Mail, newspapers, and packages on your lawn will scream one thing: no one is at home. So even if you set a timer on your lights, burglars are going to notice the signs on your lawn. Call the newspaper company and the postal service to let them know that you are not going to be around for some time. Also, don’t order anything that will get delivered when you’re not at home. If you need to order something, have them delivered to a friend’s house.

Times have changed. You might have noticed how your parents didn’t need to lock the doors back then. But now, leaving your home for more than a day sounds like an invitation to burglars.

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